Twisted cords are created by twisting several yarns together. The diameter of the cord depends on the number and strength of the threads.
Depending on the application and temperature, the following materials are available:
- Ceramic fiber (1260 C): Ceramic fibers require reinforcement with glass fibers for processing into yarns (reduces the classification temperature of the textiles to 850 C, since the glass reinforcement crystallizes at this temperature) or metal fibers (classification temperature 1260 ° C)
- Biosoluble fiber (1200 C): biosoluble fibers require reinforcement by glass fibers for processing into yarns (reduces the classification temperature of the textiles to 850 ° C., since the glass reinforcement crystallizes at this temperature) or metal fibers (classification temperature 1200 ° C.)
- Silicate fiber (1000 C)
- HT glass fiber (750 C)
- E-glass fiber (550 C)
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